

We design and deliver major urban projects that range from city-wide design strategies, through detailed master plans and guidelines, to the design of public spaces. Our strategic thinking is supported by rigorous analysis, meaningful collaboration, and extensive experience creating livable spaces. Our integrated planning and design expertise allows us to appreciate and assimilate the numerous dimensions of a project and enables us to deliver future living environment that are robust, culturally rich, and economically strong.

The quality of our physical environment is determined by consideration of the large-scale context, from the broadest concept down to the smallest of detail, taking account of connectivity, orientation, terrain and commercial opportunity. We recognize the importance of correctly implementing key masterplanning triggers in successfully promoting a range of residential developments of varying density and mixed uses where communities are comfortable and at ease with their living environment.

Our core group of town planners are highly adept in supporting of architectural projects in urban, suburban and rural areas. We create urban design frameworks and masterplans that demonstrate how projects connect strategically with their surrounding context delivering enhanced, exciting and transformative environments.